Software - Rapidshare,megaupload,stahuj,edisk atd....

icerowicz - 25.03.2008 - 11:08
Post subject: Rapidshare,megaupload,stahuj,edisk atd....
Nedal si niekto tu namahu pozbierat vsetky ip tychto sluzieb ? Chcem urobit statistiku, kolko z web trafficu su prave tieto sluzby a najvyhodnejsie pre mna je to sledovat podla ip, kedze layer7 zatial tento balast nepozna.
lol - 25.03.2008 - 11:25
Post subject:
Ak bezis na MK pouzi tento script:

Code: › # check every dns entry
:foreach i in=[/ip dns cache find] do={
:local bNew "true";
# check if dns name contains rapidshare
:if ([:find [/ip dns cache get $i name] "rapidshare"] != 0) do={
:local tmpAddress [/ip dns cache get $i address] ;

#---- if address list is empty do not check ( add address directly )
:if ( [/ip firewall address-list find ] = "") do={
/ip firewall address-list add address=$tmpAddress list=rapidshare disabled=no;
} else={
#------- check every address list entry
:foreach j in=[/ip firewall address-list find ] do={
#---------- set bNew variable to false if address exists in address list
:if ( [/ip firewall address-list get $j address] = $tmpAddress ) do={
:set bNew "false";
#------- if address is new then add to address list
:if ( $bNew = "true" ) do={
/ip firewall address-list add address=$tmpAddress list=rapidshare disabled=no

# [ THE END ]

Podla zaznamov z DNS cache ti nahadze do adresslistu vsetky IP rapidsharu
icerowicz - 25.03.2008 - 11:42
Post subject:
Bezim na linuxe, ale napad si dal Smile takze dakujem.
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